Hot List Mailer Builds YOUR List!

Hot List Mailer

Matthew Graves’ Hot List Mailer relaunched less than a couple of weeks ago. Already there are more than 1,300 new members at the site.

New members to:

  • Read your emails.
  • Sign up for your opt-in pages.
  • Buy your products and services.

Earn credits to send your email to the entire list every 3 days, OR upgrade to Premium membership so you can email daily.

Members have earned over $5,000 in commissions in the last two weeks.

Hot List Mailer brings an important new feature called the SPEEDMailer to the “Your Viral” platform. SPEEDMailer lets you send your email from up to 15 mailers with a single submit. No need to log into each of the different mailers one by one to send  your emails.

That is so huge! With the list building potential, Matthew expects Hot List Mailer to add at least 5,000 members in the next few weeks. Many of those members will end up in the auto-responders of members like YOU!

Integrate Hot List Mailer into your auto-responder TODAY! Build YOUR LIST while building your downline for Hot List Mailer!

CLICK HERE to join Hot List Mailer!!!!!