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There are hundreds of safelists out there. These are just some of the safelists I am signed up for, to give you an idea of what to look for.  I highlighted key words in bold print to help show you what to look for to see if you have received credit for viewing that ad page or not.

The “BEFORE” is key text you will see at the top of the screen when the ad first starts displaying.  The “AFTER” is what you should see when the ad has displayed long enough for you to earn the credits.

I receive the majority of my safelist credit emails in folders in my FREE Viral In Box (VIB) account; however, I also receive a few credit emails using Safelist Genie.

Some safelists have two types of mailers: a standard mailer and a credit-based mailer.  Emails sent with the standard mailer WILL NOT have a credit link in them.

After the timer runs out, if you get an error message like “Invalid email”, refresh the screen and the timer will count down again. You might receive this error message because the email sat there too long between when you opened the site and clicked on the confirmation icon.

CAUTION!!!!!! There are two type of links that you SHOULD NOT click on.

  • REPORT SITE. This is to report a site that is causing you problems.
  • UNSUBSCRIBE. Clicking on this will delete the account with the safelist.

NOTE:  If you see that a safelist is using a different method for crediting the credits, please let me know so I can update the tips below.



100 Percent Mailer

  • Scroll down the email and click on “Click This Link to Earn Your Mailing Credits!”
  • BEFORE:  Then “Wait 15 seconds.”
  • AFTER:  Added 15 credits.


  • Scroll down the email and click on the link below “CLICK TO EARN CREDITS!”
  • BEFORE:– Thanks for Clicking! You will earn mailing credits and achievement points when the timer runs out.– Sometimes a box will pop up with a question. Select your answer from the drop-down list.– Sometimes a box will pop up with some words in it. Type those characters in the “Your Answer” box and press “Go”.
  • AFTER:  Congratulations, you have won “13” mailing ad credits and 1 achievement point.

Advertise Free For Life

  • Scroll down looking for “Click the link below to earn mailing credits.” Click on the link and a counter will begin counting down.
  • BEFORE:  You will earn 8 mailing credits after 10 seconds.
  • AFTER:  8 mailing credits have been added to your account.

Dragon Safelist

  • BEFORE:  You will earn credits once you have been on this page for 10 seconds
  •  AFTER:  You were credited by 500 credits.

European Safelist

  • BEFORE:  You will earn credits once you have been on this page for 30 seconds
  • AFTER:  You were credited by 50 credits

Free Ad Depot

You DO NOT need to open emails from Sender “Admin FreeAdDepot. They DO NOT contain any credit links in them.

  • BEFORE:  Scroll down the email looking for “CLICK TO EARN CREDITS!” Click on the link on the next line.
  • At the top of the ad page, you will see a math equation.  Enter the correct answer, then click on “Go”.  If you answer it wrong, just try again.
  •  AFTER:  You will see “Keep Up The Good Work!”

Guaranteed Results 4 U

  • Scroll down the email and click on
    — “Click here to earn credits” or
    —  “Click this link to earn credits.”
  • BEFORE:  You will earn credits once you have been on this page for 12 seconds
  • AFTER:  You were credited by 60 credits

Happy Face Mailer

  • Scroll down the email and click on the link on the line below “Want more points?”
  • BEFORE:  No extra clicks to do! This window will disappear after 30 seconds.
  •  AFTER:  Leave the page displaying until the counter counts down to negative 7 (-7 seconds….), THEN close the webpage.

Hot Spot Mailer

  • Scroll down the email looking for a very long URL that contains your user name (in my case, “mariway”).
  • BEFORE: Click on the link.
  • AFTER:  At the top of the ad screen you will see:YOUR CREDITS BEFORE:  678AFTER READING MESSAGE:  695You got 17 credits for reading this ad.

List Joe

  • Scroll to the very bottom of the email
  • BEFORE: click on “Click Here to View Website and earn Credits!”
  • AFTER:  At the top of the screen, you will see “You earned 15 credits!”

List Jumper

  • Scroll down the mail looking for ‘CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO EARN CREDITS” and click on the link.
  • BEFORE:  You will earn the credits when the timer runs out.Sometimes there is a box where you have to answer a question OR type text that appears in the box above it BEFORE the timer begins the countdown to give you the credits.
  • AFTER:  Congratulations you have won 26 credits.

Max Mailer Pro

  • Scroll down the email looking for “Click This Link To Earn Credits:” Click on the link below that statement.
  • BEFORE:  A counter will count down from 10 to zero.
  • AFTER:  After reaching zero, you will either: (1) Receive credit, OR (2) See a set of 5 icons displayed.Here is an example of the icons you might see, but they change now and again, so they may be different images.  You need to click on the icon in the group of 4 that matches the single icon at the left.




After you click on the matching icon, you will see a message similar to this:

Credited 80 credits

Once you see the credited message, you can CLOSE the browser window for that ad.

Money Maker Safelist

  • Scroll down the email looking for “Click here to earn credits” and click on “Click here”.
  • BEFORE:  You will earn credits once you have been on this page for 20 seconds.
  • AFTER:  You were credited by 500 credits.

Planet Safelist

  • Scroll down the email looking for “Click This Link To Earn Credits” and click on the link.
  • BEFORE:  A counter will count down to zero.
  • AFTER:  After reaching zero, you will either: (1) Receive credit, OR (2) See a set of 5 icons displayed. Here is an example of the icons you might see, but they change now and again, so they may be different images.  You need to click on the icon in the group of 4 that matches the single icon at the left.


After you click on the matching icon, you will see a message similar to this:

Credited 25 credits

Once you see the credited message, you can CLOSE the browser window for that ad.

Prospect Geyser COOP

  • Scroll down the email until you come to”Click here to earn credits”, then click on “Click here”.
  • BEFORE:  You will earn credits once you have been on this page for 10 seconds.
  • AFTER: You were credited by 50 credits.

Quality Safelist

  • Scroll down the email until you come to “Click this link to earn credits”, then click on the link on the next line.
  • When opening the first credit email and about every 25 emails after that, you will see a box to enter a 6-digit code to prove that you are human; not a computer program being used to view emails automatically. Enter the 6 digits you see on the screen, and click on Continue.
  • BEFORE:  You will earn credits once you have been on this page for 25 seconds.
  • AFTER:  You were credited by 25 credits.
  • WARNING: Quite a few of the emails ads on Quality Safelist contain script in the coding that requires you to click as many as 15 times before the ad window finally closes.

Safelist Extreme

  • Scroll down the email until you see either (1) “Click this link to earn credits”, then click on the link, or (2) “Click here to earn credits”.
  • BEFORE:  You will earn credits once you have been on this page for 20 seconds.
  • AFTER:  You were credited by 500 credits.

Safelist Pro

  •  Scroll down the email until you come to “Click The Link Below To Receive 250 mailing Credits” and click on the link on the next line.
  • BEFORE:  You Will Earn 250 Mailing Credits After 5 seconds.
  • AFTER:  250 mailing credits have been added to our account

Speedy Traffic Mailer

  • Scroll down the email until you come to “Click This Link To Earn Credits”, then click on the link on the next line.
  • BEFORE: A counter will count down to zero.
  • AFTER: After reaching zero, you will either: (1) Receive credit, OR (2) See a set of 5 icons displayed. Here is an example of the icons you might see, but they change now and again, so they may be different images.  You need to click on the icon in the group of 4 that matches the single icon at the left.


After you click on the matching icon, you will see a message similar to this:

Credited 5 credits

Once you see the credited message, you can CLOSE the browser window for that ad.

State-of-the-Art Mailer (SOTAM)

  • Scroll down the email and click on “Claim Credits”
  • BEFORE:  Your credits and time will be added in 12 seconds.
  • AFTER:  A status chart will display all credits on your account.

Traffic Leads 2 Income Viral Mailer

  • Scroll down the email until you come to “Click This Link To Earn Credits”, then click on the link on the next line.
  • BEFORE:  Counter will count down to zero from 10.
  • AFTER: After reaching zero, you will either: (1) Receive credit, OR (2) See a set of 5 icons displayed. Here is an example of the icons you might see, but they change now and again, so they may be different images.  You need to click on the icon in the group of 4 that corresponds to the single icon at the left.


Star  =  Star
Food  =  french fries or hamburger or hot dog
World  =  globe of the world
Animal  =  bear or monkey or tiger or mouse

After you click on the corresponding icon, you will see a message similar to this:

Credited 5 credits

Once you see the credited message, you can CLOSE the browser window for that ad.

Viral Cash Mailer

  • Scroll down the email until you come to “Click This Link To Earn Credits” and then click on the link on the next line.
  • BEFORE:  Counter counts down from 10
  • AFTER:  After reaching zero, you will either: (1) Receive credit, OR (2) See a set of 5 icons displayed. Here is an example of the icons you might see, but they change now and again, so they may be different images.  You need to click on the icon in the group of 4 that matches the single icon at the left.


After you click on the matching icon, you will see a message similar to this:

Credited 10 credits

Once you see the credited message, you can CLOSE the browser window for that ad.

Viral Nugget

  • Scroll down the email until come to “CLICK TO EARN CREDITS!” and click on the link on the next line.
  • BEFORE:  You will earn both mailing and text ad credits when the timer runs out.
  • AFTER:  Congratulation you have won “14 mailing and “2” text ad credits.